Manifesting money isn’t about closing your eyes and wishing hard enough.
And it’s not about working yourself into the ground either.
Most people miss the most subtle, but crucial component of success.
Because your energy creates your reality.
And that’s not just a bunch of BS. It’s Quantum Physics.
You know when you stub your toe in the morning, and then the rest of your day tends to kinda suck? That’s not a random thing. That’s the energy you started your day with being reflected back to you and perpetuated, bringing stuff to your experience that matches it.
When your personal money energy is not balanced or aligned, you will keep playing out the same crappy patterns with money, no matter how hard you try to force yourself not to. And the crappy money momentum will BUILD.
The truth is, if you still find yourself having to compromise – to choose things you would rather not choose and do things you would rather not do – because you simply can’t afford not to, then you need to heal your personal money energy.
It’s just that simple.
And it’s time.
If you’re sick of stressing about your finances, and ready to passionately declare you are no longer willing to keep playing out the same old crap with money – and if you’re ready to do the work, then I’m here to help you get there.
You, me, and 3 months of energy work.
The Money is Meant to be Easy 3 Month Intensive
We dive deep, uncovering the energetic blocks and limits that lie just below your level of awareness.
We'll clear out the energetic debris of the crappy experiences you've had with money that are still hanging out in your energy field, quietly impacting your business and your bank balance.
And that secret fear that you try to ignore, the one that sits in the pit of your stomach, that if you DO make it big, you will have to work too hard/be judged by your friends and family/will stuff it up eventually/beacause-who-do-you think-you-are-anyway? We'll work on that too.
If that isn’t your experience, or it sounds like BS to you, then you have blocks to wealth and prosperity. But you know what else you have? Blocks to ease. Blocks to flow. Blocks to fun.
And aren’t you tired of carrying those?
Let’s clear up the ways that you are unconsciously repelling money, so that you can attract it instead!
Jacquelyn Atkins
Business Alchemist
I love working with Medha! her insight was so powerful for me and has completely shifted my perception of my resistance to money. I KNEW it would be something simple. I am so grateful to have someone to support me at such a deep energetic level. My biz income has definitely shifted up many gears since my money energy healing sessions.
This personal Money Energy Intensive includes:
7 x 1:1 sessions to keep you on track
14 weeks of unlimited access to me via email support
The investment is $1500
If you would prefer to pay in installments, I’m offering 2 different treatment plans.
3 x $525 monthly payments
6 x $265 fortnightly payments
Suzanne Culberg
Weight Loss Mindset Coach
I think everyone needs a Medha in their lives! I so appreciate everything that you do, and how much you give to your clients.
The biggest shift from working with you has been to connecting with and embracing my feelings about abundance. Whereas before I was always focused on the result.
It’s amazing how much my money journey has mirrored my weight journey and now I’ve shifted my focus from the result to the process and being open to the flow I feel so much more abundant!
About Medha
Hey! I’m Medha and I am crazy passionate about helping you transform your relationship with money because it was something I struggled with for literally decades. And I don’t want it to be the same for you.
I grew up poor. Proper zero-birthday-presents, no-electricity-today poor. And it sucked. But I was dux of my high school and had the work ethic of a trojan, so I planned on leaving poverty in my dust.
But no matter how hard I worked, or how many affirmations I did, poverty followed me around for most of my life. Yes, it wasn’t dire poverty any more – I always had $50 in my wallet and enough to get groceries – so improvements were made.
But I still had to buy my clothes second-hand (not always by choice) and couldn’t afford holidays or nice dinners out. Or courses. Or all the books and stationery I wanted. Or all the presents I wished I could buy.
First I tried the hard work path. And then the spiritual path. In fact, I worked hard at that too! But my finances stayed anemic.
I was always financially dependent on something or someone. And it felt shit.
And then I came across Money Reiki. I was already a healer and I didn’t really expect it to work. So I was surprised that it did.
I’m not going to tell you that I’m a millionaire now. But I will hand-on-my-heart tell you that my relationship with money is absolutely the best that it’s ever been. That I’m investing in myself and my business in ways that I previously never thought possible for myself. And it effing rocks!
When you clear your blocks and change your fundamental understanding of how money energy really works, you realise that the world really IS a prosperous place and that it really does give us the MAXIMUM of what we ALLOW. When that isn’t happening, then I guarantee that you are being shown the EXACT thing you need to address so that you can move into the next level of allowing and the next level of awesomeness.
And when you FEEL that way? When you KNOW the universe has your back and is always giving you what you need? Not just as something that you are TRYING to make yourself believe, but as something that you know in your bones? That’s when you’re money situation changes.
That’s why I’m here. Because when people feel like their needs will be met, they are amazing. Supportive. Generous. Divine.
That’s the world I want to help create.
So let’s heal the money crap!
We do it one person at a time and I’d love you to join me!
Is this program guaranteed to bring me more money?
I can’t guarantee that kind of outcome. But this program will ABSOLUTELY help you to clear the blocks that are currently making you energetically repel money instead of attract it, provided you are willing to do the work. But I can say this: when you clear the blocks to money, money comes.
What immediate results can I expect from doing this?
You will get clarity on the things that have been holding you back financially. You will know what needs attention, how to work with it, and you will have me to support you throughout the journey.
In terms of immediate results, some of my clients have seen unexpected bonuses, promotions, discounts and cash.
For others it has meant having to face the beliefs and patterns that they’ve been living and reliving so that they can clear that crap out.
That can get uncomfortable at times. But don’t freak out! It’s not as scary as it sounds, because you’ve got me in your back pocket. I don’t believe in making you suffer unnecessarily so that you grow. We will definitely look at what needs attention, but we will do it in a way that is light and actually FUN!
Please know this: If things come up as a result of this process, it is because you are ready to clear them and make your finances and life flow more easily.
Also, cumulatively speaking, the costs of continuing the same unhelpful patterns far outways the discomfort that may (or may not!) arise in the clearing and healing of it.
What is a distance healing and how does it work?
If you’ve never had a distance energy healing, it can be a little hard to wrap your head around. Basically, a good energy healer can work with your energy to release what is ready to be released and bring up what is ready to be addressed and healed. And they can do that either in person or via distance.
On a practical level, I actually sit and do each of the 13 distance healings included in this package, roughly once a week. I let you know when each healing is ready for you to access and you use an audio recording to support you in accessing it.
Wait, so we don’t do these healings in person?
Money is Meant to be Easy includes a total of 6 Zoom sessions as well as 13 x Money Reiki Plus Distance Healings.
We do the Zoom session online together and they include me reading and healing your money energy while we connect (and have a laugh) online.
But we do not need to be in personal contact to do the 13 x Distance Healings.
This work is powerful and not limited by time and space. The money distance healings are designed so that you can access them at a time and place that suits you. Bonus: No need for us to coordinate schedules! You will be provided with instructions and an audio track to guide you in the process of accessing them.
If you are sensitive and have been done previous awareness, meditation or energy work, you are likely to feel energy shifting. If not, it may take a little while to develop the subtle awareness required to feel the energy moving in the moment. But either way – never fear – the healings will be working.
You keep saying ‘if you’re ready to do the work’. What IS ‘the work’?
All healing is really self-healing. An energy healer can shift your energy, but if you keep the same patterns going unabated, your energy will gradually return to the way it was working before the healing.
The work that is required is awareness and change. You have to be ready to see yourself and your world differently. And be willing to change what is not working for you. To create something different to what you’ve already been creating, you will need to do things differently. And that is awesome, because it means the power is in YOU. It always has been.
But when we do it together, it’s SO MUCH quicker, easier, more supported and more fun than going at it on your own.
I wish I’d had a me to help me see the things that kept me walking around in big energetic circles for decades when I first started doing this work!
Which is exactly why I am now that person for YOU.
Erena Oliver
Integrative Remedial Well-Being + Relationship Coach
I love the subtle and gentle way Money Energy Healing penetrates your life and the challenges you have and assists you to recalibrate your relationship with money to something delicious and expansive - opening you to the wonder and potential of how money can work with and for you - Thank you!
Darleen Redman
Business Coach and Intuitive Artist
When I saw Medha advertise her Money Energy Healing I knew straight away I needed to have the session.
I have done Reiki courses and it felt so right to have this session. It was so wonderful to be able to receive the healing energy in my time.
I loved the beautiful words that I said before the healing.
When you do the energy work FIRST, you set yourself up for great results achieved with ease instead of struggle.
So if you’re ready to finally sort out your money stuff, and want to be able to say ‘hell yes’ to that next course or coach without having to wonder how the hell you’re going to pay for it, then let’s do it!
or the Biweekly
Because everything is energy.